Some Background Before We Talk Frankincense Oil Uses
There are so many wonderful Frankincense oil uses. It is very popular because of its amazing properties, but the distillation process (to do it correctly) is extremely exacting. Because of this, there are a lot of companies out there making cheap adulterated substitutes. So, you’ll want to be very careful with what you buy and use. We only use Young Living oils to ensure we are getting 100% pure Frankincense oil.
In order to collect the Frankincense resin, they scar the bark of a 40+-year-old Boswellia Tree. The tree, trying to protect itself, leaks a resin through the scarred area. The gum resin is collected and stored in caves for three months and then goes through a 6-12 month distillation process. So basically, it takes a year to properly make a bottle of Frankincense. No wonder it is so adulterated and diluted by other companies.
Check out this really cool video of Gary Young sharing a remarkable experience in Oman at an estimated 850-year-old Frankincense tree. He provides some fascinating history and harvesting details.
Fun Frankincense Facts:
Frankincense is an ancient oil also considered a holy oil in the Middle East. We know that it was given to Christ at the time of his birth and valued more than gold at one time. The uses and benefits of Frankincense date back way before the time of Christ to the Egyptians and Sumerians. You can find Frankincense referenced in the Bible 52 times.
It is also a hot topic in the news for its benefits and is highly researched. Don’t believe us? Just google “Frankincense and top research studies” and you will see a whole lot pop-up that we can’t talk about.
A Few Ways We Love to Use Frankincense
- Add a drop to your daily moisturizer
- Apply to wrists before quiet time
- Add 1 drop of Frankincense Vitality to your daily wellness capsule
In the Diffuser:
Put 4-6 drops in your diffuser and enjoy the rich, deep, warm, balsamic, sweet aroma. Diffuse when needing to feel grounded or during meditation or prayer time to help connect with your spiritual side.
Apply daily to face or any area of concern. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Who doesn’t love the idea of 21-year-old skin forever!
Want to talk with us directly or learn about more Frankincense oil uses? Contact us at GEO!