Panaway was created by Gary Young following a severe injury to the ligaments in his leg. It contains helichrysum, wintergreen, peppermint and clove. It is soothing to the skin while providing comforting warmth to muscles after exercise. It is helpful to have on hand for those who travel, work long hours on the computer, have head tension or who are actively involved in sports.

Add 8 drops to Epsom salts then pour in the tub for a wonderful spa-like soak.

Apply directly on areas of concern neat or diluted with carrier oil. It makes a great massage oil after a heavy workout.

Apply under the tongue or over the heart when dealing with emotional trauma. This oil is said to clear negative emotions and energies. It is particularly uplifting when the body and mind are in an exhaustive state that will eventually lead to burnout. It also may help those who are afraid of their own emotions or simply fear expressing them.

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