CortiStop from Young Living – What does it do?

Cortistop can reduce cortisol levels and then provide support for a healthy endocrine system.

Do you have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight and maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems? These have long been associated with elevated cortisol levels. Excessive stress in the body creates higher estrogen which limits the ability of the thyroid and adrenal glands to manage cortisol levels.

Symptoms of high cortisol levels include: feelings of fatigue and low energy, weight gain, and lesser ability to manage stress levels. The low energy can also be accompanied with an increase in energy in the late afternoon.  Cortisol has been labeled the “Death Hormone”. Oftentimes, the high levels of cortisol displays itself as excess belly fat, which is nearly impossible to reduce with exercise.

Cortistop Key Ingredients:

  • Pregnenolone  is a key precursor for the body’s production of progesterone, estrogen and DHEA. Benefits include balancing glandulars, improving energy and reducing stress.
  • L-a-phosphatidylcholine is a vital substance found in every cell of the human body. Some researchers have used mutant mouse models with severe oxidative damage as a model of “accelerated aging” to investigate the possible role of phosphatidylcholine supplementation as a way of slowing down aging-related processes
  • L-a-phosphatidylserine is critical to the maintenance of all cellular function, especially in the brain. Research also shows that it’s important to bone matrix formation, cell repair and removal by the immune system, heartbeat coordination, hormone secretion by the adrenal glands and testicular function.
  • Black Cohosh Plant Root has been utilized for menopausal and premenopausal symptoms with a proven “estrogen-like” balm to reduce disagreeable symptoms.  This can be especially true with hot flashes and night sweats.
  • DHEA (derived from Wild Yam Root) is an important hormone precursor for progesterone; and enhances memory and lean body mass.
  • Canadian Fleabane Flowering Top – hormone-like properties.

Essential Oils in CortiStop

  • Clary Sage has been used for centuries to help support the female body and it’s own challenges. It contains sclareol which is very rare when distilling essential oils. Supports normal, healthy attitude during PMS; and menopausal women.
  • Fennel is stimulating to the circulatory, glandular, respiratory, and digestive systems. It also may support feelings of well-being during the menstrual cycle.
  • Frankincense is high in sesquiterpenes.  These can stimulate and oxygenate the limbic system of the brain which helps to elevate our mood and helps us relax.
  • Peppermint is one of the most highly regarded herbs for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comforts.

How do I use CortiStop?

It is suggested to take 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast. If directed another two capsules may be taken before retiring. Use daily for 8 weeks, then suspend use for 2 to 4 weeks before resuming this supplement.

If you’d like to learn more, or discuss your specific health goals and objectives, then contact us at GEO or call Karen at 314-604-8355.

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