Pet Digestion Support
If you’re looking for pet digestion support, then look no further! We’ve got some great tips below.
Amber is a pet care professional and a true dog lover. In her reviews for GEO, she utilizes the Young Living Animal Scents products and gives us feedback on how best to use them. In this post, she talks about using ParaGize to promote healthy digestion for her dogs.
Amber’s Review
Another really helpful oil in the Animal Scents line is ParaGize. I started adding 2-4 drops to the dogs’ water bowls to promote healthy digestion. Anyone with dogs has experienced them eating something that they weren’t supposed to and the not so fun repercussions. This oil helps their sensitive digestive systems (like Bear’s) stay on track. It can also support their tummies when dealing with internal parasites! My dogs didn’t seem to mind the slight difference to their water and my kitchen smells great as an added bonus!
Did you know that you can use every oil in the Premium Starter Kit to support your pet? Order your kit today here. Would you like to customize a starter kit to include the products from Young Living’s Animal Scents line? Contact us and let us help you! Send us a note or call us at 314-604-8355 for immediate help.
If you have more questions about essential oils for your pet or would like to ask Amber about any of her reviews, contact us here.
If you’ve been reading our reviews from Amber and would like to follow Bear and her other dogs, they have fan pages on Facebook and Instagram.

Bear – Superstar